Out of Hours Care

Youth Leadership Victoria provides a safe, fun and secure environment for the quality care of school-aged children through a structured well balanced Program. Our services includes: Before School Care, After School Care and Pupil Free Care.

We provide fun and engaging activities for children aged 5 to 12 years. Some of these activities include: 

  • Art and craft. 
  • Board games.
  • Outdoor activities.
  • Sport activities.

We encourage students to complete their homework during Care.

A healthy, tasty and nutritious breakfast and afternoon tea will be served during Care. 

For further information please contact the OSHC Program Coordinator: 

Marina: 0402 192 685



OSHC operating hours:
Before School Care: 6:45am-8:45am
After School Care: 3:30pm-6:30pm
Curriculum Day: 7:00am-6:00pm

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YLV Philosophy & Goals