Your child’s first day at school is the beginning of a great adventure. So start preparing them now.
- Get them to look forward to this great event as a part of the process of growing up
- Talk to your child about school and what will happen there – meeting new friends, playing games, singing, learning to read and write about all sorts of things
- Give your child simple tasks around the house to foster confidence in their own ability
- Practice having a “lunchbox” lunch.
Requirements for school:
- Please ensure that all school items are labelled with your child’s name
- Pack a healthy snack, lunch and water bottle
- Pack a spare pair of underpants, socks and a change of clothes in a plastic bag. Let your child know these are in their backpack in case they have a toilet accident at school
- School bag
- School hat (We are a SunSmart school so hats are required – we have a “no hat, no play” policy). Sunscreen should be applied before school.
Make sure your child:
- Is accustomed to spending time away from you
- Is aware to ask for help when it is needed
- Can use a public toilet and wash and dry hands unaided
- Can recognise his/her name
- Knows how to use a tissue and to always have one
- Can take off and put on outer clothing unaided.
Encourage your child:
- To put away play things and materials after using them
- To eat their lunch from a lunchbox and know the order in which to eat their food
- To take turns, be patient and share with other children
- To speak politely.
Prep TimetableDuring
February, all Prep children attend school from 8:45am until 3:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays children remain at home to rest but may be called in to school for assessment purposes. From
March, Prep students will attend school for the full five days.