Hello, welcome and thank you for visiting St Gerard’s website.
I hope you find it informative.
At St Gerard’s we pride ourselves on the relationships we have with our families and students. We believe that students learn best when there is a strong connection between the student, their family and the school. All our staff, not just classroom teachers, feel they have a role to play in the education of the students at our school.
We therefore refer to the children attending St Gerard’s as ‘our’ students.
Our Give Me 5 principles of Be Spirit Filled, Be Respectful, Be Cooperative, Be Positive and Be Your Best are the foundation of all aspects of school life. These are lived and modelled by our whole school community. They assist us to provide positive learning opportunities both in and out of the classrooms on a daily basis.
If you would like further information on any aspect of our school please contact the School Office (03) 9791 7553 or myself via email principal@sgdandenongnth.catholic.edu.au
God bless
Paul Cowan